David visits Skyline

David did a Legacies Project in which he assisted high school students from Skyline CMPP with music for video recordings about stories of older folks recalling their personal stories. Students have access to these compositions (listed below) – most of which have not seen the light of day – BUT – they will be posting the videos sometime in May.

Ross Dunbar, lead teacher at Skyline sent along a grateful message, “Thank you so much for sharing your stories, wisdom, and music with us today! It was very powerful and so helpful as students dive into post-production of their tLegacies Project films.”

  • Ames Morning
  • Woody’s Dream
  • Iowa Special
  • Corn is King
  • Cambridge 5
  • Grand Old Flag
  • Gamble’s Workout
  • Mexico
  • Take Me Out to the Ballgame
  • Tis a Gift to be Simple
  • Reagan Open
  • Angelina 3
  • Bob Byrne Country
  • Bossa
  • Daisy Silvery Moon
  • Don’t Cross that Line
  • 20’s Ragtime
  • Nancy
  • Harbor Morning
  • It’s Just Not Worth It
  • Little Light
  • Morning Glory
  • Ode to Joy
  • One for Her
  • Open
  • Playin’ Hooky
  • Pollywog Rag
  • Down & Out
  • Take the Helm
  • Victory Rag