David’s Long Time Collaboration with Dan Yessian

I wrote the lyrics to this piece Dan Yessian placed in his Orchestral Trilogy.
I think the interview is pretty good.  I hope you enjoy it as well.

Then enjoy the song, “I See Wings”

When Dan (Yessian) called and asked if I’d lyric a song of his, my answer was the same I’d given him for twenty years when he’d call and ask me to write lyrics …yes.  In this case, the song was particularly important to him, as it was to be the capstone of an orchestral trilogy he’d written about the Armenian genocide (which had occurred in the early part of the 20th century.)  
This was not going to be a pop song…
So he sends me the music, and strangely, I immediately knew exactly what the title was to be, as well as where the lyrics were headed.  I was visiting my daughter, and while she was at work, I sat down and wrote it top to bottom in 40 minutes…which sort of scared me.  I kept going back to it later thinking that I must need a rewrite somewhere.  Nope…it just arrived fully formed.
It’s certainly more theatrical than I’m used to, but Dan was working with a broader canvas, and I just tried to do the same.
David Barrett





Music by Dan Yessian
Lyrics by David Barrett
Vocals by Kenny Watson
Lead Violin by Sonia Lee
Pianist Kurt Schreitmueller
Mixer Ohad Wilner