The Grateful Life

Let me think here…

As always, these songs sort of fell together like most of what I do, in some organizing principle that most times escapes me. When I wrote the song The Grateful Life I remember thinking that this would be the center of the wheel from whence the others might revolve around. And so they do.

Mom I Love You (but you’re fired) is a true story (that I…hmm “expanded on”) as I was in a music executive’s office in a meeting, when his mother burst in and began to harangue him. I took it from there…

Notable here is that my friend Jon Pousette Dart played this funky electric guitar that makes the whole thing for me. There are a few others from the vault that I had recorded in the hazy past which only serves to remind me of my lack of musical growth over time.

I do what I do it would seem…

David Barrett