The Music of Golf – A Month of Sundays

dbThis project grew out of composing music for CBS’s golf series. I had written several pieces for their on air weekly programs…and over the course of time, the number of compositions and recordings grew into THE MUSIC OF GOLF.

Musically, they all began as stand alone songs. By that I mean, they were written not originally for any purpose other than to write something I liked…but as good fortune would have it…they fit the bill for the television series. They are all melody based instrumentals that “go somewhere”, rather than just noodle endlessly, or solo ’till the cows come home.

My buddy Brian Brill contributed a couple of songs as well. We took the surname of A MONTH OF SUNDAYS after one of his songs with the same title. It just sorta fit the mood and tone of the group. We actually have recorded a whole bundle of other material, and hope to release it in the near future.

David Barrett