I See Wings

Play I See Wings

A few years ago, my dear friend and writing collaborator, Dan Yessian, asked if I’d consider writing a lyric to a song that meant a lot to him.  He’d composed an orchestral trilogy to memorialize his beloved Armenia, and the tragedy of the genocide that took place there.  As one who has many Armenian friends, I knew of the story.  The song would complete the trilogy.
Time passed.
I was in Washington DC visiting my daughter, when Dan sent me the music.  It was so theatrical, very rich in harmonic depth and melodic nuance.  I was smitten.  And inspired.  Strangely enough, I knew immediately what I wanted to write…and in thirty minutes, I wrote all the lyrics without any rewrites.  It was clear as day to me.  I continue to trust that the completed song gives voice to not only the tragedy, but a fervent prayer for hope & reconciliation.  
Dan wrote the music.  I wrote the lyrics.  Kenny Watson sang it and gave it wings…

Dan Yessian accompanies Kenny Watson on I See Wings