Jim Nantz & One Shining Moment

Jim Nantz from his book Always By My Side: (Coach K. & Duke)
…Although he logs only three minutes of airtime on our network annually, his work touches many people profoundly during that 180-second stretch.  His name is Dave Barrett-the musician and lyricist who composed “One Shining Moment.” During the warm-ups, I went over to Krzyzewski’s assistants and said, “See that guy making his way up the stands?  He has an indirect tie to your program; he’s ‘Mr. One Shining Moment.’  You ought to go tell Coach K that he’s here.” 

As expected, word came back from the locker room that Krzyzewski would love to meet Barrett after the game.  Rarely have I seen Coach K as effusive as he was with Dave.  “You have no idea how much this song means to all of us at Duke,”  Mike said, before introducing him to his players inside the locker room – most of whom had heard Dave’s famous song before and after the championship game the previous spring.  “We talk about things that are important to us,” Coach K told the Blue Devils, who had circled around him.  “Excellence, integrity, and doing things that are memorable for the right reasons. Now I’d like you to meet someone who embodies that kind of spirit.”

Barrett could hardly believe that Coach Krzyzewski was making such a fuss about him; nor could he understand the adulation that he received from the players.  As the song says, “And all the years / no one knows / just how hard you worked/ but now it shows.”  The defending champions had accorded the man who penned those lyrics with “one shining moment” he’ll certainly never forget.