The Gift

Songs from the Wine Cellar is a series by David that features one track (both released and unreleased material) and the story behind it.

Check back monthly for new music from the wine cellar!

The Gift – Themes & Inspirations
I was on a jag with CBS at the time of writing The Gift.  They had approached me to write several other themes for major sporting events, and I was more than happy to oblige.  This sort of writing is a bit of an alternative universe.  In this case, they wanted something that would uniquely identify the PGA Championship on CBS in the same way as the theme for The Masters identified that famed event (which  was composed by David Loggins of “Please Come To Boston” fame.)
I had no idea where to begin…
A few days later I randomly wandered into my home studio, sat down at the piano…and there it was.  Just like that.  It was like I was just following the piece of music around keyboard in a trance.  It took only twenty minutes for it all to fall into place (although I was not keeping track of time.)  I walked out afterwards and thought, this came as a gift – which is how the title came about.
I assembled my usual suspects and we cut it in an afternoon; sent it to CBS who were pleased enough to play it for years as the Theme for the PGA Championship.  
David Barrett