The Secret of the Wind & Sail

Songs from the Wine Cellar is a series by David that features one track (both released and unreleased material) and the story behind it.

Check back monthly for new music from the wine cellar!

The Secret of the Wind & Sail

I was touring for many, many months as an opening act for Art Garfunkel.  

Talk about a dream tour

We were performing in San Diego at an amazing venue, Humphreys by the Bay.  It was a mild summer evening, and the sun was finding its way below the horizon. 

Behind the stage was a bay full of sailboats that were making their way to & fro. 

I took the stage and midway through my first song, I got an idea for this song…I tried to keep the title in mind as I sang for several thousand fans of Art.  (Writing a song while performing other songs is a very strange trick.)

I flew back to Nashville soon afterwards and wrote the most un-Nashville song ever written.  Later on the tour, the sound engineer, Stuart Breed, recorded it as I began to work it into my set.Just me and a guitar.  It still sounds like that summer evening to me…

David Barrett