Time to Time

Songs from the Wine Cellar is a series by David that features one track (both released and unreleased material) and the story behind it.

Check back monthly for new music from the wine cellar!

More stories about living in Chicago.  Many moons ago, I was renting a carriage house in Lincoln Park, north of Chicago, from the Kretchmar family…whose unending support I can never repay. 

Time to Time

At the time I was working at a music house, JoyArt, and learning a whole lot from Butch Stewart whose shop it was.At the time I actually had a few nickels to rub together, or put differently; I was not married and had no children.  So…I could afford to be extravagant with the music that I wanted to record. 

I had come to know Arne Roth who knew many members of the amazing Chicago Symphony.  So putting 2 & 2 together meant that I would finally be able to record FROM TIME TO TIME, which was a broad stroke guitar based composition I had been harboring for years. 

I asked my orchestral wingman Doug Howell to go to work on a section; asked Arne if I could hire a good portion of the orchestra; and practiced the nylon string guitar like a madman.  I must say that of all the hundreds of songs & compositions I written over the years, I’m struck by the emotional range and the pureness of the intent.  Hope you enjoy…it’s a bit of a ride.

David Barrett