What is David up to?

Summer of 2018

  • I was hired to produce six (6) tracks for my friend David Tamulevich of the group Mustards Retreat.  I just finished this last week.  Came out great..
  • I’ve been working on my CD entitled Virginia Park, which has been a labor of love for many many years.  I finally put the finishing touches on it two weeks ago. I lived with these songs seems like my whole adult life.  I hope to have it done & out in the fall or early 2019.
  • I’m presenting to the city of Detroit a song that I cowrote with Jeff Silbar (who wrote Wind Beneath My Wings) entitled Go Time.  That takes place next week…
  • And speaking of Detroit, they are in the hunt for the NCAA Final Four in 2023. The city brought in the NCAA and asked if I would play my One Shining Moment live & in person for the dignitaries.  I was glad to…
  • I hope to be scoring the documentary on my state of Michigan which I’m told will be complete this fall or early next year.
…and of course I’m writing songs, just cuz.
Have a great summer!
David Barrett