A Woman in the Sunlight

Songs from the Wine Cellar is a series by David that features one track (both released and unreleased material) and the story behind it.

Check back monthly for new music from the wine cellar!

A Woman in the Sunlight – from It’s a Long, Long Story

I was living in Chicago as a producer when I wrote this one.  The notorious Chicago winter had just let loose its grip, and the first warm day of Spring arrived.  I left the recording studio, turned up Michigan Ave., where a lovely woman in a light spring dress slowly passed me by.  I looked – she looked – I looked down at my feet and thought “oh my…”  She noticed this, knowingly smiled, and just breezed on.

A song was born.

Many years later, I holed up in Ann Arbor with my musical friends from Chicago (& Chelsea) and we cut it.
I explained to everyone the inspiration and asked that we capture the poetry of that moment.

They certainly did…

David Barrett




Read more about the session…